When you start a new job, should you add your personal flavor right away? Or should you sit back and see how the new organization and staff operate?
Personally, I would not do too much at first. Before I start to add my personality and ideas to the operation there are some things I am looking for.
First, I want to understand what the issues are surrounding the new position and organization. Once I get the feel for the staff and the business, then it may be time to insert myself.
"How long should I wait?" is a question I get asked. Well, I suggest taking 90 - 120 days to observe and understand the new business.
I have seen so many people take a new job and run through the door making changes immediately. It never works. Even if you have support from the top, people do not like new people coming in and trying to make changes right away. They need to get to know you first. You need to get to know them.
You don't need to impress the boss the first day on the job. This is a long-term game. It takes patience and discipline. When you change things early, you often have to change them again because you made a mistake. Take your time and get the environment right.