When you have a tough day at work, you have to find a way to let it go before you get home.
If you are a pain in the neck at home, your family won't want to see you after a workday.
I have been there myself.
My wife, Priscilla, once asked me if I could try making a little magic at home. When my son was 14, he suggested I sit in the hot tub when I get home because everything was fine before I got there.
I needed those reminders. If you let this go on too long, it becomes hard to recover.
You have to be able to lead yourself before you can lead anyone else, whether at home or work.
When you have a tough day at work, you have to find a way to let it go before you get home.
Routine relaxes me. When I was EVP of Walt Disney World, my routine was to workout at the gym between leaving work and arriving home.
Exercise makes you feel better. When you feel better, you act better.
Find an intermission before you arrive home. Maybe a commute is enough of a break if you use it the right way.
Be deliberate. Consider what would make you feel better? What would help you leave a tough day at work so you can let it go before you get home?
You can pre-order Dan Cockerell's book, How's the Culture in Your Kingdom, HERE.
During the Coronavirus Pandemic, many businesses have had to shut down temporarily. As businesses begin to reopen, we have the opportunity to do it the right way.
Don't just open the doors and expect customers to return.
Approach reopening your business like it an entirely new product. Check everything carefully. Talk to your staff for ideas. Start calling customers and ask what concerns they have about reopening.
Customers are individuals and they may have different concerns. You may not be able to address all of them, but if you don't find out what your customers are concerned about you will not be able to address any of them.
As you prepare to reopen our business, customers and employees know everything you need to know before you open the doors again.
Don't reopen your business based on what you want. Open your business on what they want. Check all of your customer's concerns and consider how you have addressed them.
If you are uncertain, go in favor of the customer. In this case, when in doubt, go in favor of safety.
If you are interested in the Time Management Magic workshop being offered in the United Kingdom, you can find more information here.
Leading a remote team for the first time can be a challenge for many people.
If your leadership style is based on face to face interaction, it can leave you feeling disease about not being able to see your team.
Don't stress over it too much. Leading remotely, for the most part, is no different than leading in person.
Be yourself. Pick up the phone. Get on Zoom. Communicate often.
Often, we magnify the problems that come with remote teams. Most people stress about not being in front of the team is because they want to feel important. Not being able to have direct and immediate interaction leaves some leaders feeling less important.
Here are some tips for leading a remote team:
The more you do it the better you will get at it. Everything is hard before it is easy. You can practice with family or friends before you have to have remote meetings for real with your team.
What do you do if you have a negative coworker?
For the most part, I recommend you stay away from negative coworkers. There really is no upside to you spending time with someone like that.
But, if this person is a friend or someone you are willing to help out, then step in and let them know they are damaging their reputation and career.
Keep in mind, any negative culture or environment you spend time in will eventually affect you.
Usually, the problem doesn't have much to do with work. They have something going on in their life that makes them the way they are.
Personally, I enjoy these conversations. It gives me a chance to help someone by having a candid conversation other people may not be willing to have with them.
If you do feel like you can help, sit down with the coworker and be candid. Explain how other people see their attitude and how it affects them. Offer to help. Oftentimes, people who are so negative don't know what is happening. They don't know people are avoiding them because of their attitude.