Today, we have another question from a faithful listener, Tanner Brock. Tanner requested advice on becoming more comfortable and confident in your professional background. Especially in situations where business partners or fellow team members have a longer tenure in the workforce.
It is part of the game and part of learning business. We all start out being intimidated by others having experience. It takes time to get smarter; to learn new things. Pushing yourself to expand your understanding will help you grow and learn. With time, you won't be intimidated, because you have gained experiences of your own. Wisdom comes with age, education, experience, and exposure.
If you want to get past intimidation, you need to get outside of your immediate sphere. Meet people and put yourself in situations where you can learn willingly. Spend time around your customers and employees. You have to work at it. Be intentional about seeking out understanding; you don’t just get to absorb it.
Rather than being intimidated by the experience of others, use it as an opportunity to ask questions and learn. Make it a goal. Never stop learning. Ask questions every day. This will help you gain experience and confidence; it will keep you from becoming prideful and resting on your laurels, as you gain the experience you desire.
If you want a fun way to gain exposure and experience, take a vacation. Magical Vacation Planners can help you get everything you want out of your next trip. You can reach them at 407-442-2694.
Have an excellent career by learning from Lee: Career Magic
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